Which of these are you?
"I'm so bored at the gym, or running, or stationary biking, etc."
"I just can't seem to stick to an exercise plan."
"I'm looking for something different."
Coach Charlie here.
When people first come to 360 Defense Norwich, they almost always say the same thing: they're interested in both self-defense and fitness. We have the self-defense part covered. Just look here and here. When it comes to fitness, most adults say one of the above: they're bored with the normal stuff, the big box gyms, running, infomercial fitness DVDs, etc., and discouraged by not being able to maintain a health regimen. They're looking for something different. 360 Defense is different for two main reasons: 1) It's hard to get bored when you're learning. You'll be learning new skills or refining them in every single class. You won't need headphones to drive away the boredom when you're focused on improving your reflexes, coordination, and general bad-assery (bad-assedness? bad-ass-idism? I don't know.) Unlike lifting or running (I'm still a fan of both), there's no end to the pursuit of effectiveness when it comes to self-defense training. It keeps you mentally stimulated AND motivated. 2) Your partners won't let you get bored. Unlike most gym workouts, 360 Defense is a group endeavor. Whether you're hitting pads, air-squatting, or grappling, you're doing it with friends... people who aren't competing against you but alongside you, who are helping you improve while you're helping them. |
What kills motivation the fastest? Difficulty? Backsliding? Lack of confidence?
Two scenarios:
A) You walk into the gym. They're playing the same 2011 Mumford & Sons song (no offense) or Down With The Sickness or something, like they always do. There are those three bros always strutting around, no-so-sneakily glancing in the mirror. One of them never wipes the bench when he's done. You walk to the lonely row of treadmills and plug in your podcast machine to drown out your body's complaints. B) You walk into 360 and see your favorite training partner. There's nothing like showing up on the same night as your favorite training partner. You thumbs-up each other from across the room. Fifteen people, who's names you know, say hi on the way in. The one-hour class starts and... ... if it's Krav Maga, you work your body to its limit while smashing pads, sweating, and laughing? Yes, laughing, with thirty-five friends. At the end, you're exhausted and glad you came and sleep will come easily tonight. ... if it's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you work your body to its limit while choking your friends/not letting them choke you, becoming a tougher and more balanced person. At the end, you're exhausted and glad you came and sleep will come easily tonight. |
360 Defense is the "Cheers" of Self-Defense training facilities: "You want to go where everybody knows your name."
All this to say, the antidote to backsliding, failed workout plans, and boredom is group training and constant learning. Whether it's Krav Maga self-defense training or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 360 Defense provides both of these and much more. If you're ready for something new, please stop in or call us at 860-889-1818.
Hope to hear from you soon, Coach Charlie |